After my series of LSP client posts, I got the question: What does this actually do? And why should I like this or help with it?
For the basic question: What the heck is the [Language Server Protocol (LSP)](, I think my [first post](/posts/kate-language-server-protocol-client/) can help. Or, for more details, just head over to the [official what/why/... page](
But easier than to describe why it is nice, I can just show the stuff in action.
Below is a video that shows the features that at the moment work with our master branch.
It is shown using the build directory of Kate itself.
To get a usable build directory, I build my stuff locally with [kdesrc-build](, the only extra config I have in the global section of my **.kdesrc-buildrc** is:
This will auto generate the needed **.kateproject** files for the Kate project plugin and the **compile_commands.json** for **clangd** (the LSP server for C/C++ the plugin uses).