update config
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 169 additions and 378 deletions
@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
# our homepage url
baseURL = "https://cullmann.io/"
# cullmann.io website
title = "Ignorance is bliss..."
description = "Ignorance is bliss..."
# theme hugo-coder
theme = "PaperMod"
# content == english, Impressum is german
languagecode = "en"
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
# whether to use robots.txt
# 是否使用 robots.txt
enableRobotsTXT = true
# whether to use git commit log
# 是否使用 git 信息
enableGitInfo = true
# whether to use emoji code
# 是否使用 emoji 代码
enableEmoji = true
# nice urls
canonifyurls = true
# pygment settings
pygmentsStyle = "trac"
pygmentsUseClasses = true
pygmentsCodeFences = true
pygmentsCodefencesGuessSyntax = true
weight = 1
# language code
languageCode = "en"
# language name
languageName = "English"
# whether to include Chinese/Japanese/Korean
hasCJKLanguage = false
# default amount of posts in each pages
paginate = 12
# [UA-XXXXXXXX-X] google analytics code
googleAnalytics = ""
# copyright description used only for seo schema
copyright = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License."
# Menu config
identifier = "posts"
# you can add extra information before the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
pre = ""
# you can add extra information after the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
post = ""
name = "Posts"
url = "/posts/"
# title will be shown when you hover on this menu link.
title = ""
weight = 1
identifier = "projects"
pre = ""
post = ""
name = "Projects"
url = "/projects/"
title = ""
weight = 2
identifier = "academic"
pre = ""
post = ""
name = "Academic"
url = "/academic/"
title = ""
weight = 3
identifier = "links"
pre = ""
post = ""
name = "Links"
url = "/links/"
title = ""
weight = 4
identifier = "about"
pre = ""
post = ""
name = "About"
url = "/about/"
title = ""
weight = 5
identifier = "impressum"
pre = ""
post = ""
name = "Impressum"
url = "/impressum/"
title = ""
weight = 6
# site description
description = "Ignorance is bliss..."
# site keywords
keywords = ["Christoph", "Cullmann"]
# App icon config
# optional site title override for the app when added to an iOS home screen or Android launcher
title = "Ignorance is bliss..."
# whether to omit favicon resource links
noFavicon = false
# modern SVG favicon to use in place of older style .png and .ico files
svgFavicon = "/images/christoph_avatar.png"
# Android browser theme color
themeColor = "#ffffff"
# Safari mask icon color
iconColor = "#5bbad5"
# Windows v8-10 tile color
tileColor = "#da532c"
# Search config
enable = true
# type of search engine ("lunr", "algolia")
type = "lunr"
# max index length of the chunked content
contentLength = 4000
# placeholder of the search bar
placeholder = ""
# max number of results length
maxResultLength = 10
# snippet length of the result
snippetLength = 30
# HTML tag name of the highlight part in results
highlightTag = "em"
# whether to use the absolute URL based on the baseURL in search index
absoluteURL = false
# Home page config
# amount of RSS pages
rss = 10000
# Home page profile
enable = true
# Gravatar Email for preferred avatar in home page
gravatarEmail = ""
# URL of avatar shown in home page
avatarURL = "/images/christoph_avatar.png"
# title shown in home page (HTML format is supported)
title = ""
# subtitle shown in home page
subtitle = "Christoph Cullmann's personal web site"
# whether to use typeit animation for subtitle
typeit = true
# whether to show social links
social = true
# disclaimer (HTML format is supported)
disclaimer = ""
# Home page posts
enable = true
# special amount of posts in each home posts page
paginate = 6
# Social config in home page
GitHub = "christoph-cullmann"
Twitter = "ChrCullmann"
Gitlab = "cullmann"
Youtubecustom = "ChristophCullmann"
Reddit = "ChristophCullmann"
Email = "christoph@cullmann.io"
RSS = true
# default author
name = "Christoph Cullmann"
email = "christoph@cullmann.io"
# LoveIt theme version
# LoveIt 主题版本
version = "0.2.X"
# cullmann.io website
title = "Ignorance is bliss..."
description = "Ignorance is bliss..."
# site default theme ("light", "dark", "auto")
# 网站默认主题 ("light", "dark", "auto")
defaultTheme = "dark"
disableThemeToggle = true
# public git repo url only then enableGitInfo is true
# 公共 git 仓库路径,仅在 enableGitInfo 设为 true 时有效
gitRepo = "https://github.com/christoph-cullmann/cullmann.io"
# which hash function used for SRI, when empty, no SRI is used ("sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "md5")
# 哪种哈希函数用来 SRI, 为空时表示不使用 SRI ("sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "md5")
fingerprint = ""
# date format
# 日期格式
dateFormat = "January 2, 2006"
# website images for Open Graph and Twitter Cards
# 网站图片, 用于 Open Graph 和 Twitter Cards
images = ["images/christoph_logo.png"]
# URL of the LOGO
logo = ""
# title name
# 标题名称
name = "Ignorance is bliss..."
# Section (all posts) page config
# special amount of posts in each section page
paginate = 20
# date format (month and day)
dateFormat = "01-02"
# amount of RSS pages
rss = 10000
# List (category or tag) page config
# special amount of posts in each list page
paginate = 20
# date format (month and day)
dateFormat = "01-02"
# amount of RSS pages
rss = 10000
# Page config
# whether to hide a page from home page
hiddenFromHomePage = false
# whether to hide a page from search results
hiddenFromSearch = false
# whether to enable twemoji
twemoji = false
# whether to enable lightgallery
lightgallery = false
# whether to enable the ruby extended syntax
ruby = true
# whether to enable the fraction extended syntax
fraction = true
# whether to enable the fontawesome extended syntax
fontawesome = true
# whether to show link to Raw Markdown content of the content
linkToMarkdown = true
# whether to show the full text content in RSS
rssFullText = true
# Table of the contents config
# whether to enable the table of the contents
enable = true
# whether to keep the static table of the contents in front of the post
keepStatic = false
# whether to make the table of the contents in the sidebar automatically collapsed
auto = true
# Code config
# whether to show the copy button of the code block
copy = true
# the maximum number of lines of displayed code by default
maxShownLines = 10
# Page SEO config
# image URL
images = []
# Publisher info
name = "Christoph Cullmann"
logoUrl = "/images/christoph_avatar.png"
# Cookie consent config
# Cookie 许可配置
enable = true
# Analytics config
enable = false
# Markup related configuration in Hugo
# Hugo 解析文档的配置
# Syntax Highlighting (https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting)
# 语法高亮设置 (https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting)
codeFences = true
guessSyntax = true
lineNos = true
lineNumbersInTable = true
# false is a necessary configuration (https://github.com/dillonzq/LoveIt/issues/158)
# false 是必要的设置 (https://github.com/dillonzq/LoveIt/issues/158)
noClasses = false
# Goldmark is from Hugo 0.60 the default library used for Markdown
# Goldmark 是 Hugo 0.60 以来的默认 Markdown 解析库
definitionList = true
footnote = true
linkify = true
strikethrough = true
table = true
taskList = true
typographer = true
# whether to use HTML tags directly in the document
# 是否在文档中直接使用 HTML 标签
unsafe = true
# Table Of Contents settings
# 目录设置
startLevel = 2
endLevel = 6
# Sitemap config
# 网站地图配置
changefreq = "weekly"
filename = "sitemap.xml"
priority = 0.5
# Permalinks config (https://gohugo.io/content-management/urls/#permalinks)
# Permalinks 配置 (https://gohugo.io/content-management/urls/#permalinks)
# posts = ":year/:month/:filename"
posts = ":filename"
# maximal privacy
disable = true
disable = true
disable = true
disable = true
disable = true
disable = true
# Options to make output .md files
# 用于输出 Markdown 格式文档的设置
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# Options to make output .md files
# 用于输出 Markdown 格式文档的设置
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isHTML = false
# Options to make hugo output files
# 用于 Hugo 输出文档的设置
home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]
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section = ["HTML", "RSS"]
taxonomy = ["HTML", "RSS"]
taxonomyTerm = ["HTML"]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
# our homepage url
baseURL: "https://cullmann.io/"
# cullmann.io website
title: "Ignorance is bliss..."
paginate: 5
theme: PaperMod
enableInlineShortcodes: true
enableRobotsTXT: true
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buildFuture: false
buildExpired: false
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# lineNos: true
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disabled: true
disabled: true
disabled: true
disableInlineCSS: true
disableInlineCSS: true
env: production # to enable google analytics, opengraph, twitter-cards and schema.
description: "Ignorance is bliss..."
author: Theme PaperMod
# author: ["Me", "You"] # multiple authors
defaultTheme: dark
disableThemeToggle: true
ShowShareButtons: true
ShowReadingTime: true
disableSpecial1stPost: true
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- name: Archives
url: archives
- name: Tags
url: tags
Title: "Ignorance is bliss..."
Content: >
Welcome to Christoph Cullmann's personal web site.
- name: github
url: "https://github.com/christoph-cullmann"
- name: gitlab
url: "https://gitlab.com/cullmann"
- name: reddit
url: "https://www.reddit.com/user/ChristophCullmann"
- name: twitter
url: "https://twitter.com/ChrCullmann"
- name: youtube
url: "https://youtube.com/ChristophCullmann"
- name: email
url: "mailto:christoph@cullmann.io"
# label:
# text: "Home"
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# iconHeight: 35
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# google:
# SiteVerificationTag: "XYZabc"
disableHLJS: true
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# favicon16x16: "<link / abs url>"
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languageName: "English"
weight: 1
category: categories
tag: tags
series: series
- name: Posts
url: /posts/
weight: 5
- name: Projects
url: /projects/
weight: 10
- name: Academic
url: /academic/
weight: 15
- name: Links
url: /links/
weight: 20
- name: About
url: /about/
weight: 25
- name: Impressum
url: /impressum/
weight: 30
Add table
Reference in a new issue