{{ $disableImageOptimization := .Site.Params.disableImageOptimization | default false }}
<article class="{{ if not .Site.Params.homepage.showRecent }}
  {{ end }} flex flex-col items-center justify-center text-center">
  <header class="relative px-1 py-1 flex flex-col items-center mb-3">
    {{ with .Site.Author.image }}
      {{ $authorImage := "" }}
      {{ if or (strings.HasPrefix . "http:") (strings.HasPrefix . "https:") }}
        {{ $authorImage = resources.GetRemote . }}
      {{ else }}
        {{ $authorImage = resources.Get . }}
      {{ end }}
      {{ if $authorImage }}
        {{ if not $disableImageOptimization }}
          {{ $authorImage = $authorImage.Fill "288x288" }}
        {{ end }}
        <img class="mb-2 rounded-full h-36 w-36" width="144" height="144" alt="{{ $.Site.Author.name | default " Author" }}"
          src="{{ $authorImage.RelPermalink }}" />
      {{ end }}
    {{ end }}
    <h1 class="text-4xl font-extrabold">
      {{ .Site.Author.name | default .Site.Title }}
    {{ with .Site.Author.headline }}
    <h2 class="text-xl text-neutral-500 dark:text-neutral-400">
      {{ . | markdownify | emojify }}
    {{ end }}
    <div class="mt-1 text-2xl">
      {{ partialCached "author-links.html" . }}
  <section class="prose dark:prose-invert">{{ .Content | emojify }}</section>
  {{ partial "recent-articles/main.html" . }}