import { D as H, a as J, S as Q, b as X, c as Z, p as F, d as M, s as I } from "./styles-34055d00.js"; import { G as tt } from "./graph-dee88f0d.js"; import { l as E, c as g, j as $, A as et, k as ot, f as w } from "./mermaid-00886c59.js"; import { r as st } from "./index-14a831a4.js"; import "./layout-03086fc5.js"; import "./clone-a4e35854.js"; import "./edges-4734986e.js"; import "./createText-0ee50ac4.js"; import "./line-79437661.js"; import "./array-2ff2c7a6.js"; import "./path-428ebac9.js"; const h = "rect", C = "rectWithTitle", nt = "start", ct = "end", it = "divider", rt = "roundedWithTitle", lt = "note", at = "noteGroup", _ = "statediagram", dt = "state", Et = `${_}-${dt}`, U = "transition", St = "note", Tt = "note-edge", pt = `${U} ${Tt}`, _t = `${_}-${St}`, ut = "cluster", ft = `${_}-${ut}`, Dt = "cluster-alt", bt = `${_}-${Dt}`, V = "parent", Y = "note", At = "state", N = "----", ht = `${N}${Y}`, v = `${N}${V}`, W = "fill:none", m = "fill: #333", z = "c", j = "text", q = "normal"; let y = {}, d = 0; const yt = function(t) { const n = Object.keys(t); for (const e of n) t[e]; }, gt = function(t, n) { return n.db.extract(n.db.getRootDocV2()), n.db.getClasses(); }; function xt(t) { return t == null ? "" : t.classes ? t.classes.join(" ") : ""; } function R(t = "", n = 0, e = "", c = N) { const i = e !== null && e.length > 0 ? `${c}${e}` : ""; return `${At}-${t}${i}-${n}`; } const A = (t, n, e, c, i, r) => { const o =, u = xt(c[o]); if (o !== "root") { let T = h; e.start === !0 && (T = nt), e.start === !1 && (T = ct), e.type !== H && (T = e.type), y[o] || (y[o] = { id: o, shape: T, description: w.sanitizeText(o, g()), classes: `${u} ${Et}` }); const s = y[o]; e.description && (Array.isArray(s.description) ? (s.shape = C, s.description.push(e.description)) : s.description.length > 0 ? (s.shape = C, s.description === o ? s.description = [e.description] : s.description = [s.description, e.description]) : (s.shape = h, s.description = e.description), s.description = w.sanitizeTextOrArray(s.description, g())), s.description.length === 1 && s.shape === C && (s.shape = h), !s.type && e.doc && ("Setting cluster for ", o, G(e)), s.type = "group", s.dir = G(e), s.shape = e.type === J ? it : rt, s.classes = s.classes + " " + ft + " " + (r ? bt : "")); const p = { labelStyle: "", shape: s.shape, labelText: s.description, // typeof newNode.description === 'object' // ? newNode.description[0] // : newNode.description, classes: s.classes, style: "", //, id: o, dir: s.dir, domId: R(o, d), type: s.type, padding: 15 //getConfig().flowchart.padding }; if (p.centerLabel = !0, e.note) { const l = { labelStyle: "", shape: lt, labelText: e.note.text, classes: _t, // useHtmlLabels: false, style: "", //, id: o + ht + "-" + d, domId: R(o, d, Y), type: s.type, padding: 15 //getConfig().flowchart.padding }, a = { labelStyle: "", shape: at, labelText: e.note.text, classes: s.classes, style: "", //, id: o + v, domId: R(o, d, V), type: "group", padding: 0 //getConfig().flowchart.padding }; d++; const f = o + v; t.setNode(f, a), t.setNode(, l), t.setNode(o, p), t.setParent(o, f), t.setParent(, f); let S = o, D =; e.note.position === "left of" && (S =, D = o), t.setEdge(S, D, { arrowhead: "none", arrowType: "", style: W, labelStyle: "", classes: pt, arrowheadStyle: m, labelpos: z, labelType: j, thickness: q }); } else t.setNode(o, p); } n && !== "root" && (E.trace("Setting node ", o, " to be child of its parent ",, t.setParent(o,, e.doc && (E.trace("Adding nodes children "), $t(t, e, e.doc, c, i, !r)); }, $t = (t, n, e, c, i, r) => { E.trace("items", e), e.forEach((o) => { switch (o.stmt) { case X: A(t, n, o, c, i, r); break; case H: A(t, n, o, c, i, r); break; case Q: { A(t, n, o.state1, c, i, r), A(t, n, o.state2, c, i, r); const u = { id: "edge" + d, arrowhead: "normal", arrowTypeEnd: "arrow_barb", style: W, labelStyle: "", label: w.sanitizeText(o.description, g()), arrowheadStyle: m, labelpos: z, labelType: j, thickness: q, classes: U }; t.setEdge(,, u, d), d++; } break; } }); }, G = (t, n = Z) => { let e = n; if (t.doc) for (let c = 0; c < t.doc.length; c++) { const i = t.doc[c]; i.stmt === "dir" && (e = i.value); } return e; }, Ct = async function(t, n, e, c) {"Drawing state diagram (v2)", n), y = {}, c.db.getDirection(); const { securityLevel: i, state: r } = g(), o = r.nodeSpacing || 50, u = r.rankSpacing || 50;, c.db.extract(c.db.getRootDocV2()),; const T = c.db.getStates(), s = new tt({ multigraph: !0, compound: !0 }).setGraph({ rankdir: G(c.db.getRootDocV2()), nodesep: o, ranksep: u, marginx: 8, marginy: 8 }).setDefaultEdgeLabel(function() { return {}; }); A(s, void 0, c.db.getRootDocV2(), T, c.db, !0); let p; i === "sandbox" && (p = $("#i" + n)); const l = i === "sandbox" ? $(p.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body) : $("body"), a =`[id="${n}"]`), f ="#" + n + " g"); await st(f, s, ["barb"], _, n); const S = 8; et.insertTitle(a, "statediagramTitleText", r.titleTopMargin, c.db.getDiagramTitle()); const D = a.node().getBBox(), L = D.width + S * 2, P = D.height + S * 2; a.attr("class", _); const O = a.node().getBBox(); ot(a, P, L, r.useMaxWidth); const k = `${O.x - S} ${O.y - S} ${L} ${P}`; E.debug(`viewBox ${k}`), a.attr("viewBox", k); const K = document.querySelectorAll('[id="' + n + '"] .edgeLabel .label'); for (const x of K) { const B = x.getBBox(), b = document.createElementNS("", h); b.setAttribute("rx", 0), b.setAttribute("ry", 0), b.setAttribute("width", B.width), b.setAttribute("height", B.height), x.insertBefore(b, x.firstChild); } }, Rt = { setConf: yt, getClasses: gt, draw: Ct }, Ut = { parser: F, db: M, renderer: Rt, styles: I, init: (t) => { t.state || (t.state = {}), t.state.arrowMarkerAbsolute = t.arrowMarkerAbsolute, M.clear(); } }; export { Ut as diagram };