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name about title labels
Bug Report 错误报告 Create a bug report 创建一个错误报告 [BUG] Some problem... bug

Describe the bug 描述你遇到的错误

A clear and concise description of what the bug is. 一段简短的对于你遇到的错误的描述.

Expected behavior 期待的行为

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. 一段简短的对于你期待的行为的描述.

Screenshots 屏幕截图

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. 如果可以的话, 提供屏幕截图对解决问题很有帮助.

Build Environment 构建环境

  • OS: [e.g. Windows 11, macOS, Ubuntu]
  • Theme version/commit [e.g. 0.2.0, 2ccba79]
  • Hugo version [e.g. 0.69.0]

Please try to use Hugo extended version before opening the issue. 请在创建 issue 之前先尝试使用 Hugo extended 版本构建.

Preview Environment 预览环境

  • OS: [e.g. Windows 11, macOS, Ubuntu, iOS, Android]
  • Browser type/version [e.g. Chrome 103.0.5060.53, Safari 15.5, Edge 103.0.1264.37, Firefox 102.0]

Additional Information 补充信息

Configuration files or front matter code... 配置文件或者前置参数的代码...